
The Packanack Community Church is an Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ called to “Put God’s Love in Motion” by living our faith beyond the walls of our Sanctuary. We seek to help one another discover our God-given gifts so we can have greater meaning, purpose and direction in our lives. We work to bring hope, peace, joy and love to other people through ministries of mercy and justice with a spirit of gratitude for all our blessings and a vision of caring for one another’s needs.

Join us in person for weekly worship on Sundays at 10:00am. 

Not matter who you are, where you are on life’s journey, or who you love you are welcome at Packanack Community Church. When you join us for worship you will experience an interactive worship experience with vibrant music and relevant preaching.

During worship children and youth of all ages are invited to come forward for a special message just for them (parents and adults are welcome too). Afterwards, ages 3 and up are invited to Sunday School downstairs. The nursery is open for the duration of the service for our littlest ones.

If you can’t join us in person, click HERE for Live-Streamed Worship just before 10:00 am (or click button below). The link will take you to our YouTube channel and then all you have to do is click on the video that has the word “Live” (in red) written on it.


If you are unable to join us live, you can find the recorded service on PCC’s YouTube Channel.




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