
Chancel Choir

Our Chancel Choir is a dedicated group of individuals who lead our congregation in worship on Sunday morning. Its members form the backbone of our congregation, serving in various capacities as lay leaders and supporting everything we do. As a tight-knit group of people, they care for each other in a way that testifies to our Christian identity as the Body of Christ.

In addition to participating in weekly worship every Sunday morning, the Chancel Choir plays a prominent role in our holiday services (Christmas Eve and Easter Sunday). It has also performed at various venues, including Carnegie Hall and the Father English Community Center in Paterson.


Agape Handbell Ensemble

Our hand bell ensemble offers an opportunity for everyone from the accomplished ringer to the curious newcomer to find a place among friends, learn how to ring the bells and become a valued partner in this musical discipline that requires group coordination.

Both singers and ringers meet to rehearse on a weekly basis during the school year; for more information, please contact our music director Louis Danowsky at [email protected]

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