News & Events

See our upcoming events and group offerings

Food Pantry Collection

SEPTEMBER: We are accepting toothbrushes, toothpaste mouthwash, soap, and shampoo. Donations can be left in the blue bin in our breezeway M-F 9:00am – 1:00pm.

Monetary donations are also accepted. Checks can be mailed or brought to the church office. You can also give online by clicking on the GIVE button above and choosing “food pantry” from the drop-down menu. Thank you for your donations. In 2023, we collected 99 bags of groceries, personal care items, cleaning supplies and paper goods, $1095.00 of gift cards and four turkeys and one ham for our church members, WIN, Father English and those in need. Thank you!

Ladies Breakfast

Wednesday, September 25
Calling all the Ladies of the Church! Let us join together on the last Wednesday of each month for Breakfast!
9 am at the Alps Diner, Route 23 North
Any questions? Contact the church office at [email protected] or 973-694-0608.

Men’s Breakfast

Saturday, September 7
Join the men of our congregation as they share coffee and conversation together during this monthly opportunity for fellowship and faith. The group meets at 8:00 am at the Alps Diner, located on Route 23 North in Wayne at Packanack Lake Road on the first Saturday of every month. All men are invited!

Outdoor Worship Services

Bring your chair and join us for outdoor worship services.
We will have one on September 15 (tentative).
We look forward to this outdoor services and hope to see you here!

Annual Church Picnic

On Sunday, September 8th we will gather after church for our annual church picnic. The church will provide the meats 🙂 and we invite you to help fill in with the sides. There will be a sign-up sheet at church the next two weeks. Please let us know if you plan to come and if you are bringing something to share. Everyone is invited and welcome so bring your friends, family, and neighbors. We will have chalk and a few yard games. Feel free to bring some of your favorite yard games as well. Spread the word and see you there!

End Suffering and Discover Happiness Through Buddhist Methods

Join us for a multi-part series that introduces you Buddhist methods that develop peaceful and positive states of mind and live a happier life. Find out details by Clicking Here.

Where and When – this weekly series will be presented at Packanack Community Church, starting on September 18th from 7:00-8:30pm and run for eight continuous weeks until November 6th.

Note: There is no cost to attend this series, but people are encouraged to donate to Packanack Community Church to help defray the cost associated with this series. To donate visit our Giving page HERE .

Scavenger Hunt

Sunday, October 13 at 3:00pm
Packanack Community Scavenger Hunt
See how well you know the community. Teams of up to 5 people. Prizes for the top 3 teams. $20.00 entry fee per team. A car is recommended for transportation.

Puzzle Olympics

Friday, November 13 from 6:30-9:00 pm
Puzzle Olympics
You and a partner will have 2 hours to complete a 500-piece puzzle. Prizes for the first 3 teams! Snacks and drinks will be available. $20.00 entry fee per team.

Community Outreach Events

Save these dates:

Sunday, Oct. 20: CPR and Epi-Pen training. Right after worship at 11:30. $45 a person.

Sunday, November 3: NAMI presentation on mental health. Right after worship at 11:30. Cost is free.

More information will be out soon.

Sunday School Schedule

Sunday school starts September 8th with the regular schedule.
Children are invited to begin worship with everyone in the sanctuary at 10 am and then after the Children’s Sermon, they are invited to follow a Sunday School teacher to the classroom for an exciting time of bible stories, crafts, and activities. Sunday School is for ages 3 and up.


We have 2 Nursery attendants present every Sunday. You can drop off your little one (under 3 years old) right before worship or at any time during the worship service. There will be a sign-in and sign-out system. The nursery is located on our lower level. If needed, an usher is always present to help direct you to its location. If you have questions about the Nursery, please contact the church office at [email protected] or 973-694-0608.

Sign-Up Here